CACS develops mobile apps for a variety of departments, sometimes as stand-alone apps and other times as part of a broader ecosystem.
Why develop a mobile app?
Native mobile apps can:
- offer a more personalized experience
- allow users to set their preferences
- take advantage of the device’s camera, GPS location, push notifications and other mobile services
- provide functionality without internet connection allowing access to information anytime, anywhere

Before building a mobile app, we believe it is important to understand the different ecosystems that can be used. There are three primary mobile environments. All have pros and cons. The cost and timeline to develop the app will vary based on which environment is selected and the best fit for your specific needs.
Native App Development
Our mobile development team is experienced in developing and designing native applications for iOS, Android, Windows Phones, using the latest SDKs in each domain. Native apps allow you to build an experience for the user that is fully integrated with their phone which usually translates to a superior experience for the user.
Cross-Platform App Development
Cross-platform mobile app development is the process of creating mobile apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase. CACS utilizes the Xamarin platform to build powerful, cross-platform apps than run easily on Android, iOS and Windows.This approach is typically cheaper when the app needs to run across a range of mobile devices. It allows the developer to share code that is OS agnostic and only write native code for features that need to interact with the underlying OS.
Responsive Web Site
A responsive web site is simply a web site developed to work on any type of device. The site is designed to adapt the way information is displayed based on the device type. This solution cannot take advantage of the mobile device’s hardware and services such as the camera or GPS.

Sensus Mobile App

Vice President for Research Website