Hourly Rate
ITS Custom Applications and Consulting Services (CACS) delivers professional end-to-end technology solutions. The current hourly rate for CACS services is $120/hour. CACS provides hours estimates and proposals upon request.
Application support and hosting fees for all CACS developed applications are governed by a service level agreement. At the beginning of the fiscal year the sponsor, functional lead and reconciler will receive an email identifying the customer contacts and billing PTAO for the annual hosting fee and work performed under the SLA. Work performed under the SLA is billable at the standard rate of 120 dollars an hour.
Hosting Fees
CACS utilizes ITS hosted and cloud based servers as determined by your application needs. Cloud hosting gives customers powerful, scalable, and reliable performance based on clustered load-balanced servers. A cloud hosted website may be more reliable than alternatives since other computers in the cloud can compensate when a single piece of hardware goes down.
Hosting fees are billed monthly to the PTAO on file. For websites / content management, the hosting fee includes upgrades to the operating system, application patching, security updates and backups. For Custom Application the hosting fee covers upgrades to the operating system and backups. All changes for application patching, software upgrades and security related issues will be billed to the existing SLA at the standard rate. Hosting fees are based on actual server costs.
Drupal Web Sites
Site Factory Department Site
Tier 1
Basic site; low traffic.
Tier 2
More complexity, higher traffic, high number of Drupal users and/or requires consuming or producing data feeds; NetBadge integration.
Tier 3
Large site, high traffic, complex in implementation and support.
Custom Applications
Web application hosting fees are based on the development and production configuration for your specific application. On average for a standard web application and database your department should budget about 2,000 a year to cover the hosting fees.
More Secure Environment
Based on usage
The More Secure Environment is for applications that process highly sensitive data as defined by University Policy.
Moderately Sensitive or Not Sensitive Environment
Based on usage
This environment is for systems that do not process highly sensitive data as defined by University Policy.
Custom job to perform automated processing which is scheduled to run at regular intervals.
Based on install package.
Customer specific.
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) solution that can be customized for a departments need and requires an annual subscription. Costs are based on the development and production configuration for your specific application.